2024-2025 留學申請榜單
Oct 28, 2024
儘管 EA/ED 申請才剛截止,A.LEAGUE的孩子們已經收到了令人安心又振奮的大學錄取通知!恭喜學生們!
2024-2025 Admissions
Class of 2029
University of Pennsylvania (#10)
常春藤 - 賓夕法尼亞大學 - 私立 - 錄取1名
(School of Engineering and Applied Sciecne - Computer and Information Science)
Pennsylvania State University (#63)
賓夕法尼亞州立大學 - 公立 - EA 錄取2名
(Computer Science, Data Science)
King's College London (UK #3)
倫敦國王學院 - 公立 - 錄取1名
University of Edinburgh (UK #5)
愛丁堡大學 - 公立 - 錄取1名
(LLB Law 法學院, Unconditional Offer)
University of Alberta (CA #4)
阿爾伯塔大學 - 公立 - 錄取1名
高中升學&申請大學輔導歡迎洽詢 A. League 教育顧問
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2023-2024 留學申請榜單
Nov 09, 2023
恭喜 2023-2024 的學生們錄取到各自適合的大學並順利入學就讀
累計獲得 NT 1 億 6,543 萬元獎學金(Merit-Based Scholarship)
以及NT 112 萬元助學金(Financial Aid)
2023-2024 Admissions
Class of 2028
Yale University (#5)
耶魯大學 - 私立 常春藤 - 錄取1名
University of Pennsylvania (#6)
賓夕法尼亞大學 - 私立 - 錄取2名
Duke University (#7)
杜克大學 - 私立 - 錄取3名
Northwestern University (#9)
西北大學 - 私立 - 錄取3名
Johns Hopkins University (#9)
約翰霍普金斯大學 - 私立 - 錄取1名
Cornell University (#12)
康乃爾大學 - 私立 - 錄取2名
Columbia University (#12)
哥倫比亞大學 - 私立 - 錄取2名
University of Chicago (#12)
芝加哥大學 - 私立 - 錄取2名
University of California, Los Angeles (#15)
加利福尼亞大學洛杉磯分校 - 公立 - 錄取8名
Rice University (#17)
萊斯大學 - 私立 - 錄取2名
University of Michigan - Ann Arbor (#21)
密西根大學 安娜堡 - 公立 - 錄取11名
Georgetown University (#21)
喬治城大學 - 私立 - 錄取1名
University of Virginia (#24)
維吉尼亞大學 - 公立 - 錄取1名
Carnegie Mellon University (#24)
卡內基美隆大學 - 私立 - 錄取1名
Washington University in St. Louis (#24)
聖路易華盛頓大學 - 私立 - 錄取2名
University of California - San Diego (#28)
加州大學聖地牙哥分校 - 公立 - 錄取23名
University of Southern California (#28)
南加州大學 - 私立 - 錄取9名
University of Florida (#28)
佛羅里達大學 - 公立 - 錄取5名
University of California - Davis (#28)
加利福尼亞大學戴維斯分校 - 公立 - 錄取25名
University of Texas at Austin (#32)
德州大學奧斯汀分校 - 公立 - 錄取7名
Georgia Institute of Technology (#33)
喬治亞理工學院 - 公立 - 錄取2名
University of California - Irvine (#33)
加利福尼亞大學爾灣分校 - 公立 - 錄取33名
University of California - Santa Barbara (#35)
加利福尼亞大學聖巴巴拉分校 - 公立 - 錄取20名
University of Illinois Urbana - Champaign (#35)
伊利諾大學厄巴納香檳分校 - 公立 - 錄取19名
University of Wisconsin - Madison (#35)
威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校 - 公立 - 錄取20名
Boston College (#39)
波士頓學院 - 私立 - 錄取1名
獲得助學金(Financial Aid Grant )US$301,200
New York University (#35)
紐約大學 - 私立 - 錄取17名
Rutgers University - New Brunswick (#40)
羅格斯大學 - 公立 - 錄取11名
University of Washington (#40)
華盛頓大學 - 公立 - 錄取21名
Boston University (#43)
波士頓大學 - 私立 - 錄取14名
Ohio State University - Columbus (#43)
俄亥俄州立大學 - 公立 - 錄取32名
Purdue University (#43)
普渡大學 - 公立 - 錄取26名
University of Maryland - College Park (#46)
馬里蘭大學學院市分校 - 公立 - 錄取1名
Virginia Tech (#47)
維吉尼亞理工學院暨州立大學 - 公立 - 錄取4名
Texas A&M University (#47)
德州農工大學 - 公立 - 錄取10名
Northeastern University (#53)
東北大學 - 私立 - 錄取16名
University of Minnesota - Twin Cities (#53)
明尼蘇達大學 - 公立 - 錄取6名
Case Western Reserve University (#53)
凱斯西儲大學 - 私立 - 錄取20名
SUNY Stony Brook University (#58)
紐約州立大學 石溪大學 - 公立 - 錄取8名
University of Connecticut (#58)
康乃狄克大學 - 公立 - 錄取7名
Michigan State University (#60)
密西根州立大學 - 公立 - 錄取22名
Brandeis University (#60)
布蘭迪斯大學 - 私立 - 錄取4名
Pennsylvania State University (#60)
賓夕法尼亞州立大學 - 公立 - 錄取21名
Santa Clara University (#60)
聖塔克拉拉大學 - 私立 - 錄取9名
獲得助學金(Financial Aid)US$38,580
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (#60)
壬色列理工學院 - 私立 - 錄取2名
University of California - Merced (#60)
加利福尼亞大學默賽德分校- 公立 - 錄取13名
University of Massachusetts - Amherst (#67)
麻薩諸塞大學阿默斯特分校 - 公立 - 錄取3名
Syracuse University (#67)
雪城大學 - 私立 - 錄取6名
George Washington University (#67)
喬治華盛頓大學 - 私立 - 錄取1名
University of Pittsburgh (#68)
匹茲堡大學- 公立 - 錄取1名
SUNY Binghamton University (#73)
紐約州立大學 賓漢頓大學 - 公立 - 錄取2名
Indiana University - Bloomington (#73)
印第安那大學 - 公立 - 錄取12名
University of Delaware (#76)
德拉瓦大學 - 公立 - 錄取1名
University of California - Riverside (#76)
加利福尼亞大學河濱分校 - 公立 - 錄取22名
Rutgers University - Newark (#82)
羅格斯大學紐瓦克分校 - 公立 - 錄取7名
University of California - Santa Cruz (#82)
加利福尼亞大學聖塔克魯茲分校 - 公立 - 錄取15名
Fordham University (#89)
福坦莫大學 - 私立 - 錄取7名
University of South Florida (#89)
南佛羅里達大學 - 公立 - 錄取1名
Baylor University (#93)
貝勒大學 - 私立 - 錄取2名
Loyola Marymount University (#93)
羅耀拉瑪麗蒙特大學 - 私立 - 錄取2名
University of Iowa (#93)
愛荷華大學 - 公立 - 錄取1名
University of Oregon (#98)
俄勒崗大學 - 公立 - 錄取1名
University of Oxford (UK #1)
牛津大學 - 公立 - 錄取1名
Imperial College London (UK #3)
倫敦帝國學院 - 公立 - 錄取4名
University College London (UK #4)
倫敦大學學院 - 公立 - 錄取3名
University of Edinburgh (UK #5)
愛丁堡大學 - 公立 - 錄取5名
King's College London (UK #6)
倫敦國王學院 - 公立 - 錄取4名
London School of Economics and Political Science (UK #7)
倫敦政治經濟學院 - 公立 - 錄取2名
University of Manchester (UK #8)
曼徹斯特大學 - 公立 - 錄取8名
University of Glasgow (UK #10)
格拉斯哥大學 - 公立 - 錄取1名
獲得獎學金 £28,000
University of Birmingham (UK #12)
伯明罕大學 - 公立 - 錄取2名
University of Warwick (UK #14)
華威商學院 - 公立 - 錄取3名
Queen Mary University of London (UK #17)
倫敦瑪麗皇后大學 - 公立 - 錄取1名
Rhode Island School of Design (Art #1)
羅德島設計學院 - 私立 - 錄取1名
The New School - Parsons (Art #2)
帕森設計學院 - 私立 - 錄取2名
Pratt Institute (Art #3)
普瑞特藝術學院 - 私立 - 錄取2名
School of the Art Institute of Chicago (Art #5)
芝加哥藝術學院 - 私立 - 錄取3名
Art Center College of Design (Art #6)
藝術中心設計學院 - 私立 - 錄取1名
School of Visual Arts (Art #9)
視覺藝術學院 - 私立 - 錄取3名
Savannah College of Art and Design (Art #10)
薩凡納藝術設計學院 - 私立 - 錄取1名
California College of the Arts (Art #14)
加州藝術學院 - 私立 - 錄取1名
Fashion Institute of Technology (Art #29)
紐約時尚設計學院 - 私立 - 錄取1名
Rochester Institute of Technology (Art #31)
羅徹斯特理工學院 - 私立 - 錄取1名
University of Toronto (CA #1)
多倫多大學 - 公立 - 錄取37名
University of British Columbia (CA #2)
英屬哥倫比亞大學 - 公立 - 錄取24名
McGill University (CA #3)
麥基爾大學 - 公立 - 錄取1名
McMaster University (CA #5)
麥克馬斯特大學 - 公立 - 錄取1名
University of Waterloo (CA #7)
滑鐵盧大學 - 公立 - 錄取5名(兩位學生錄取Computer Science)
University of Ottawa (CA #9)
渥太華大學 - 公立 - 錄取2名
York University (CA #16)
約克大學 - 公立 - 錄取1名
OCAD University (CA Art #1)
安大略藝術設計大學 - 公立 - 錄取1名
University of Melbourne (AU #2)
墨爾本大學 - 公立 - 錄取4名
University of Sydney (AU #3)
雪梨大學 - 公立 - 錄取7名
University of New South Wales (AU #4)
新南威爾斯大學 - 公立 - 錄取1名
University of Queensland (AU #5)
昆士蘭大學 - 公立 - 錄取1名
University of Western Australia (AU #08)
西澳大學 - 公立 - 錄取1名
University of Technology Sydney (AU #14)
雪梨科技大學 - 公立 - 錄取1名
Griffith University (AU #15)
格里菲斯大學 - 公立 - 錄取1名
University of Tokyo (JP #1)
東京大學 - 公立 - 錄取1名
Kyushu University (JP #6)
九州大學 - 公立 - 錄取1名
高中升學&申請大學輔導歡迎洽詢 A. League 教育顧問
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2022-2023 留學申請榜單
Dec 06, 2022
目前累計獲得 NT6,550萬元獎學金,榜單將持續更新至2024年7月。
2022-2023 Admissions
Class of 2027
University of Oxford (UK #1, World #4)
牛津大學 - 公立 - 錄取1名
Imperial College London (UK #3, World #6)
倫敦帝國學院 - 公立 - 錄取2名
University College London (UK #4, World #8)
倫敦大學學院 - 公立 - 錄取3名
University of Edinburgh (UK #5, World #16)
愛丁堡大學 - 公立 - 錄取2名
King's College London (UK #6, World #35)
倫敦國王學院 - 公立 - 錄取2名
University of Manchester (UK #8, World #27)
曼徹斯特大學 - 公立 - 錄取1名
University of Bristol (UK #9)
布里斯托爾大學 - 公立 - 錄取1名
Harvard University (#3)
哈佛大學 - 私立 常春藤 - 錄取1名
Harvard Medical School (#1)
Yale University (#3)
耶魯大學 - 私立 常春藤 - 錄取1名
School of Public Health (#11) - 獲得獎學金US$40,000
University of Chicago (#6)
芝加哥大學 - 私立 - 錄取1名
Booth School of Business (#1)
University of Pennsylvania (#7)
賓州大學 - 私立 常春藤 - 錄取1名
Wharton School of Business (#1)
Johns Hopkins University (#7)
約翰霍普金斯大學 - 私立 - 錄取1名
Duke University (#10)
杜克大學 - 私立 - 錄取2名
Northwestern University (#10)
西北大學 - 私立 - 錄取4名
Bienen School of Music (#2) - 獲得獎學金US$120,000
School of Education and Social Policy (#11)
Qatar (World #11)
Brown University (#3)
布朗大學 - 私立 常春藤 - 錄取1名
Program in Liberal Medical Education
Rice University (#15)
萊斯大學 - 私立 - 錄取2名
Early Decision 1名,Regular 1名
Cornell University (#17)
康乃爾大學 - 私立 常春藤 - 錄取3名
Regular 1名
College of Engineering (#9) - Computer Science 1名,Electrical Engineering 1名
Columbia University (#18)
哥倫比亞大學 - 私立 常春藤 - 錄取4名
Barnard College - 巴納德女子學院 (#18) - Early Decision 1名
Mailman School of Public Health (#4) - Public Health 1名
Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science (#15)
- Computer Science 1 名,Electrical Engineering 1名 獲得獎學金US$2,500
University of Notre Dame (#18)
聖母大學 - 私立 - 錄取1名
Washington University in St. Louis (#18)
聖路易斯華盛頓大學 - 私立 - 錄取1名
Howard Nemerov Writing Scholar
University of California - Berkeley (#20)
加州大學 柏克萊 - 公立 - 錄取4名
First-year 3名,Transfer 1名
University of California - Los Angeles (#20)
加州大學 洛杉磯 - 公立 - 錄取7名
First-year 5名,Transfer 1名
Electrical and Computer Engineering 1名
Georgetown University (#22)
喬治城大學 - 私立 - 錄取1名
Carnegie Mellon University (#22)
卡內基梅隆大學 - 私立 - 錄取1名
Emory University (#22)
埃默里大學 - 私立 - 錄取3名
Early Decision II 1名,Regular 2名
New York University (#25)
紐約大學 - 私立 - 錄取9名
Stern School of Business (#5) 史登商學院 - Early Decision 2名
Regular 5名
Counseling for Mental Health and Wellness 1名
Integrated Marketing 1名
University of Southern California (#25)
南加州大學 - 私立 - 錄取5名
Early Action 1名, Regular 2名
Viterbi School of Engineering (#15) - Computer and Electrical Engineering
Rossier School of Education (#11) - Educational Counseling,獲得獎學金US$15,000
University of Michigan - Ann Arbor (#25)
密西根大學 安娜堡 - 公立 - 錄取6名
Electrical and Computer Engineering (#7)
School of Music, Theatre, and Dance Performance (#8)
College of Engineering (#9)
University of Florida (#29)
佛羅里達大學 - 公立 - 錄取6名
University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill (#29)
北卡羅來納大學 教堂山 - 公立 - EA 錄取1名
Tufts University (#32)
塔夫茲大學 - 私立 - 錄取1名
University of California - Santa Barbara (#32)
加州大學 聖塔芭芭拉 - 公立 - 錄取20名
First-year 19名,Transfer 1名
University of California - San Diego (#34)
加州大學 聖地牙哥 - 公立 - 錄取15名
University of California - Irvine (#34)
加州大學 爾灣 - 公立 - 錄取27名
First-year 26名,Transfer 1名
Boston College (#36)
波士頓學院 - 私立 - 錄取1名
University of Rochester (#36)
羅徹斯特學院 - 私立 - 錄取5名
University of California - Davis (#38)
加州大學 戴維斯 - 公立 - 錄取21名
University of Texas - Austin (#38)
德州大學 奧斯汀 - 公立 - 錄取7名
University of Wisconsin - Madison (#38)
威斯康辛大學 麥迪遜 - 公立 - 錄取6名
Early Action 4名,Regular 2名
Boston University (#41)
波士頓大學 - 私立 - 錄取13名
Early Decision II 1名,Regular 11名
College of Education and Human Development - 獎學金US$31,000
University of Illinois - Urbana - Champaign (#41)
伊利諾大學 厄巴納香檳 - 公立 - EA 錄取17名
Chemical Engineering (#5)
Computer Science (#6)
Business (#13)
Georgia Institute of Technology (#44)
喬治亞理工學院 - 公立 - 錄取7名
Early Action 3名,Regular 4名
Case Western Reserve University (#44)
凱斯西儲大學 - 私立 - EA 錄取9名,REG 錄取12名
Tulane University (#44)
杜蘭大學 - 私立 - 錄取2名
Early Action 1名
Freeman School of Business - Business Analytics
Ohio State University - Columbus (#49)
俄亥俄州立大學 哥倫布 - 公立 - EA 錄取23名
Purdue University - West Lafayette (#51)
普渡大學 西拉法葉 - 公立 - 錄取17名
Early Action 14名,Regular 3名
University of Washington (#55)
華盛頓大學 - 公立 - 錄取35名
University of Maryland - College Park (#55)
馬里蘭大學 大學學院 - 公立 - EA 錄取2名
Santa Clara University (#55)
聖塔克拉拉大學 - 私立 - 錄取2名
Rutgers University - New Brunswick (#55)
羅格斯大學 新布倫瑞克 - 公立 - 錄取6名
University of Pittsburgh (#62)
匹茲堡大學 - 公立 - 錄取3名
George Washington University (#63)
喬治華盛頓大學 - 公立 - 錄取1名
University of Massachusetts - Amherst (#67)
麻州大學 阿莫斯特 - 公立 - 錄取3名
University of Connecticut (#67)
康州大學 - 公立 - 錄取6名
Texas A & M University (#67)
德州農工大學 - 公立 - 錄取1名
Indiana University - Bloomington (#72)
印第安納大學 伯明頓 - 公立 - 錄取6名
Early Action 2名,Regular 2名
Kelley School of Business (#22) - 2名
Fordham University (#72)
福坦莫大學 - 私立 - 錄取3名
Loyola Marymount University (#77)
羅耀拉馬利蒙特大學 - 私立 - 錄取2名
Pennsylvania State University - University Park (#77)
賓州州立大學 大學公園 - 公立 - EA 錄取9名,REG 錄取1名
Michigan State University (#77)
密西根州立大學 - 公立 - 錄取1名
SUNY Stony Brook University (#77)
紐約州立大學 石溪大學 - 公立 - 錄取1名
SUNY Binghamton University (#83)
紐約州立大學 賓漢頓大學 - 公立 - 錄取1名
University of California - Santa Cruz (#83)
加州大學 聖塔克魯茲 - 公立 - 錄取15名
First-year 14名,Transfer 1名 獲得獎學金US$15,000
University of California - Riverside (#89)
加州大學 河濱 - 公立 - 錄取16名
First-year 15名,Transfer 1名
Amherst College (#2)
阿默斯特學院 - 私立 - 錄取1名
Barnard College (#18)
巴納德學院 - 私立 - 錄取1名
University of Toronto (CA #1)
多倫多大學 - 公立 - 錄取34名
Rotman School of Commerce - 錄取2名
University of British Columbia (CA #2)
英屬哥倫比亞大學 - 公立 - 錄取7名
Sauder School of Business - 錄取1名
McGill University (CA #2)
麥基爾大學 - 公立 - 錄取3名
McMaster University (CA #4)
麥克馬斯特大學 - 公立 - 錄取1名
University of Alberta (CA #5)
亞伯達大學 - 公立 - 錄取2名 一名獲得獎學金CA$3,000
University of Waterloo (CA #7)
滑鐵盧大學 - 公立 - 錄取2名 一名獲得獎學金CA$2,000
Simon Fraser University (CA #4)
西門菲沙大學 - 公立 - 錄取3名
Rhode Island School of Design (Art US #3, World #1)
羅德島設計學院 - 私立 - 錄取1名
Parsons School of Design, The New School (Art US #1, World #3)
帕森設計學院 - 私立 - 錄取2名
Pratt Institute (Art US #5, World #10)
普瑞特學院 - 私立 - 錄取3名 (Bachelor of Architecture)
School of Visual Arts (Art US #9, World #25)
視覺藝術學院 - 私立 - 錄取1名
Savannah College of Art and Design (Art US #10)
薩凡納藝術設計學院 - 私立 - 錄取1名
Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising
時尚設計商業學院 - 私立 - 錄取1名
Ringling College of Art and Design
瑞林藝術與設計學院 - 私立 - 錄取1名 (Computer Animation Program, #1)
Peabody Institute
琵琶蒂音樂學院 - 私立 - 錄取1名
Eastman School of Music
伊士曼音樂學院 - 私立 - 錄取1名
Berklee College of Music
伯克利音樂學院 - 私立 - 錄取1名
University of Sydney (AU #3)
雪梨大學 - 公立 - 錄取4名
University of New South Wales (AU #4)
新南威爾斯大學 - 公立 - 錄取2名
Griffith University (AU #12)
葛瑞菲斯大學 - 公立 - 錄取1名
Bachelor of Medical Science & Doctor of Medicine 醫學院
高中升學&申請大學輔導歡迎洽詢 A. League 教育顧問
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Understand Your Characters: Leverage Your Strengths with the VIA Survey
Dec 15, 2024
In today’s competitive educational landscape, understanding your unique strengths can be a game-changer for personal and academic success. The VIA Survey, developed by the VIA Institute on Character, offers an invaluable opportunity for students to discover and embrace their character strengths, significantly enhancing both their academic journeys and personal growth.
What is the VIA Survey?
Originally known as the "Values in Action Inventory," the VIA Survey has evolved into a leading assessment tool for character strengths. This self-report questionnaire comprises 240 items and uses a 5-point Likert scale to measure how strongly individuals identify with 24 distinct character strengths. Taking the survey takes approximately 25 minutes, but there’s no strict time limit, allowing for thoughtful reflection.
With over 30 million participants worldwide and available in 46 languages for adults and 28 for youth, the VIA Survey has become a cornerstone of character strengths research.
Introducing the 24 Character Strengths
The VIA Survey identifies 24 distinct character strengths that are essential for personal growth and well-being. Each strength contributes to an individual’s unique personality and can be developed to enhance various aspects of life. Here’s a brief overview of each strength:
Creativity: The ability to think outside the box and generate innovative ideas.
Curiosity: A strong desire to learn and explore new things.
Judgment: The capacity to evaluate information and make sound decisions.
Love of Learning: An intrinsic motivation to acquire new skills and knowledge.
Perspective: The ability to provide wise counsel and see the bigger picture.
Bravery: The courage to confront fear and adversity.
Perseverance: The commitment to persist in achieving goals despite obstacles.
Honesty: Being truthful and transparent.
Zest: A sense of enthusiasm and energy in life.
Hope: An optimistic outlook that focuses on positive outcomes.
Humor: The ability to appreciate and create joy through laughter.
Social Intelligence: The skill of understanding and navigating social situations effectively.
Kindness: The desire to help others and show compassion.
Teamwork: The ability to work well with others and contribute to group efforts.
Fairness: A commitment to treating others justly and equitably.
Leadership: The capacity to guide and inspire others.
Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence: The ability to recognize and appreciate beauty in life and excellence in others’ work.
Gratitude: A recognition and appreciation of the positive aspects of life.
Forgiveness: The capacity to let go of grudges and offer second chances.
Self-Regulation: The ability to manage emotions and behaviors effectively.
Humility: A modest view of one’s own importance.
Civic Duty: A commitment to contributing to society and making a difference in the community.
Spirituality: A sense of connection to something greater than oneself.
Love: The capacity to care deeply for others and foster meaningful relationships.
Understanding these character strengths can empower students to leverage their unique abilities, leading to greater success and fulfillment in both their personal and academic lives. Embracing these strengths not only enhances individual well-being but also fosters a positive environment for collaboration and community engagement.
Why Should Students Take the VIA Survey?
Self-Discovery: The VIA Survey helps students uncover their unique strengths, providing insights that can inform their academic and career choices. This increased self-awareness can lead to greater confidence and a clearer sense of purpose.
Career Alignment: By recognizing their character strengths, students can make more informed decisions about college majors and career paths that resonate with their natural talents and interests. This alignment can enhance job satisfaction and performance in the future.
Enhanced Well-Being: Research shows that leveraging character strengths can improve overall well-being. Students who focus on their strengths often experience increased resilience, motivation, and engagement in their studies.
Improved Relationships: Understanding one’s own strengths, as well as the strengths of peers, can foster effective collaboration and stronger relationships, both in college and beyond.
Supported by Research
The VIA Institute has a rich history of research into character strengths, stemming from a landmark study led by Christopher Peterson and Martin Seligman. This research has generated over 1,000 studies exploring the impact of character strengths on various aspects of life, reinforcing the significance of this assessment.
Prominent organizations, including IBM, the University of Toronto, and Coca-Cola, utilize the VIA Survey to promote a strength-based approach in their environments, highlighting the value of understanding character strengths in both personal and professional contexts.
Commitment to Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
The VIA Institute believes that character strengths are universal, transcending cultures and backgrounds. They are committed to standing against discrimination and marginalization, making the VIA Survey a powerful tool for empowerment and inclusion. Students from all walks of life can benefit from recognizing and celebrating their unique strengths.
Take the Next Step
We encourage all students to take the VIA Survey and embark on a journey of self-discovery. By understanding your strengths, you can make informed decisions about your education and future career, leading to a more fulfilling and successful life.
To get started, visit the VIA Institute’s website and take the free survey: Personality Test, Personality Assessment: VIA Survey
高中在校輔導&申請大學輔導專案,歡迎洽詢 A. League 教育顧問
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Discover Your Path: Unlock Your Potential with the Holland Code
Nov 07, 2024
Thousands of individuals have discovered their full potential and found fulfilling careers by completing the Holland Code assessment, a career judgment tool developed by psychologist John L. Holland. This assessment categorizes personalities and interests into six distinct types, helping to match careers that align with an individual’s passions. However, the test was not built upon clinical experiments, so it is better seen as a self-discovery tool rather than a scientific diagnosis. In other words, this tool is useful for students to explore their interests, but it should not be the sole basis for making major career or life decisions. Therefore, students should make good use of critical thinking and avoid blindly following the results.
The Six Types of the Holland Code
Realistic: Prefers hands-on work with tangible objects, solving practical problems, and focusing on specific mechanical tasks rather than social or interpersonal activities.
Investigative: Enjoys researching and solving mathematical or scientific problems, excelling in these areas while valuing scientific accuracy and intellectual pursuits over leadership or persuasion.
Artistic: Engages in creative activities such as art, drama, and music, excelling in these fields and valuing originality and self-expression over structured or repetitive tasks.
Social: Prefers helping others through activities like teaching and counseling, excelling in these areas while valuing support and addressing social issues over using machines or tools.
Enterprising: Enjoys leading, persuading, and selling ideas or products, excelling in these roles, and valuing success in leadership, politics, or business over analytical or observational tasks.
Conventional: Prefers handling data, records, or machinery in a systematic and orderly manner, excelling in these areas and valuing business success while seeing themselves as organized and skilled at following structured plans.
Insights for Students
1. Academic Pathways
Understanding these types can provide invaluable insights for students navigating their educational and career paths. Using the Holland Code as inspiration, students can better explore college majors that align with their interests. Here are some suggestions to get you started:
Realistic: Consider majors in Engineering, Environmental Science, or Sports.
Investigative: Explore fields like Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Data Science, or Computer Science.
Artistic: Pursue studies in Fine Arts, Design, Architecture, Language Arts, or Performing Arts.
Social: Look into Education, Psychology, Public Health, Social Work, or Sports.
Enterprising: Think about Political Science, Business, Marketing, or Entrepreneurship.
Conventional: Focus on Accounting, Finance, Information Systems, or Computer Science.
2. Interpretation
After completing the RIASEC test, you will receive a three-letter code (e.g., RIA). Each letter represents one of your strongest interest types, and the order of the letters reflects your preferences for those types of career. The first letter in your code represents your strongest career interest, the second letter represents a secondary interest, and the third letter indicates your relatively weaker interest.
However, this doesn't mean you must strictly follow this order. For example, if your Holland Code is RIA, you can also consider careers in the combinations RAI, IRA, IAR, ARI, and AIR. Statistically, there are six possible combinations for three letters, and this article will focus on introducing and categorizing only the non-repetitive three-letter codes. You are encouraged to explore various permutations and combinations of your interests.
Additionally, if the letter that ranks fourth in your results has a score close to the third-highest letter, that category can also be considered. Take the below result for example, the theme code is ARI, while I is only slightly higher than S and E. Hence, you might also want to explore the career options associated with the ARS or ARE combination code.
3. Possible Combinations and Career Opportunities
RIA (Realistic, Investigative, Artistic)
Individuals within this category are known to be creative problem solvers who enjoy hands-on work and have a keen eye for design. They are likely to thrive in opportunities that enable them to combine technical skills with artistic expression.
Landscape Architects
Commercial and Industrial Designers
RIS (Realistic, Investigative, Social)
These individuals are known to be compassionate despite having an analytical perspective, often intrigued by the possibilities in healthcare and environmental roles. They excel in experiences that involve helping others while employing scientific expertise.
Radiation Therapists
Athletic Trainers
Park Naturalists
RIE (Realistic, Investigative, Enterprising)
Individuals here are typically practical innovators who incorporate scientific knowledge with entrepreneurship, seeking opportunities to develop or advance technology or manage resources effectively.
Range Managers
Biofuels Product Development Managers
RIC (Realistic, Investigative, Conventional)
These detail-oriented individuals enjoy working on a set schedule, completing structured assignments, and problem-solving. They often choose to work in regulatory industries, ensuring quality and compliance.
Civil Engineering Technologists
Medical Appliance Technicians
Forensic Science Technicians
Environmental Engineers
Biological Technicians
RAS (Realistic, Artistic, Social)
These individuals are tremendously dynamic, interactive, and expressive, often showcasing their creativity and individuality through performance or physical arts. They enjoy working collaboratively with others and are frequently emotionally attached to their work.
RAE (Realistic, Artistic, Enterprising)
Individuals in this category are known to be imaginative yet driven, pursuing careers that combine fashion and design. Combined with a strong drive for business, this blend of creativity helps bring their visions to life.
Fashion Designers
Merchandise Displayers
RAC (Realistic, Artistic, Conventional)
Individuals categorized as RAC are skilled craftsmen and artists who appreciate structure and tradition, especially regarding their work. They can be seen transforming their visions to life with immense attention to detail.
Furniture Finishers
Musical Instrument Repairers
Costume Attendants
Stone Cutters and Carvers
RSE (Realistic, Social, Enterprising)
These individuals are active, charismatic, and leadership-oriented. They tend to thrive in team-oriented sports and excel in roles that require them to motivate and think strategically.
Coaches and Scouts
Athletes and Sports Competitors
RSC (Realistic, Social, Conventional)
This group contains caring and organized individuals who thrive in healthcare or community services, prioritizing service and supportive roles.
Nursing Assistants
Medical Assistants
Home Health Aides
Animal Caretakers
REC (Realistic, Enterprising, Conventional)
Individuals within this category are results-driven, pursuing careers in management or sales. Their personalities help them excel at implementing systems and leading teams to achieve their goals effectively.
Industrial Production Managers
Police Officers
Construction Managers
Sales Workers
IAS (Investigative, Artistic, Social)
These individuals are intellectually curious and creative, forming a perfect combination of education and the arts. They enjoy interactive experiences and addressing societal issues through their work.
Music Therapists
Sociology Teachers
Architecture Teachers
Special Education Teachers
IAE (Investigative, Artistic, Enterprising)
Individuals here are innovative thinkers equipped with a passion for storytelling and technology. They likely thrive in creative industries by combining their artistic vision with analytical skills.
Video Game Designers
News Analysts
IAC (Investigative, Artistic, Conventional)
This group consists of detail-oriented individuals who excel in technical and digital industries, showing an appreciation for creativity within the limits of a structured environment by focusing on precision and functionality.
Technical Writers
Web Designers
ISE (Investigative, Social, Enterprising)
These individuals are insightful and strategic, blending analytical skills with a desire to understand human behavior, thus thriving in the psychological and consulting fields.
Industrial-Organizational Psychologists
ISC (Investigative, Social, Conventional)
These individuals are compassionate and organized, using their analytical skills to improve systems, typically in healthcare or supportive roles.
Registered Nurses
Genetic Counselors
IEC (Investigative, Enterprising, Conventional)
Individuals here are strategic thinkers who excel in business or finance-related tasks by combining analytical skills with a goal-oriented mindset, leading to exceptional growth and efficiency.
Management Analysts
Marketing Strategists
Financial Risk Specialists
ASE (Artistic, Social, Enterprising)
These charismatic and creative individuals thrive in public roles, allowing self-expression and enjoyment in forming audience connections.
Public Relations Specialists
Broadcast Announcers
ASC (Artistic, Social, Conventional)
These individuals are immensely expressive and well-suited for educational and community service roles. They thrive in environments that value creativity while providing structure and support to others around them.
Interpreters and Translators
Childcare Workers
AEC (Artistic, Enterprising, Conventional)
Individuals in this category are incredibly versatile and driven, thriving in creative industries like media and marketing while effectively communicating ideas.
Advertising Managers
SEC (Social, Enterprising, Conventional)
These individuals are engaging and resourceful, working in sales or community-oriented roles that require both interpersonal skills and organizational capabilities.
Social and Community Service Managers
Real Estate Sales Agents
Travel Guides
How to Take the Holland Code Assessment
Step 1: Take the Holland Code Assessment for free
U.S. Department of Labor: https://www.mynextmove.org/explore/ip
Testing Agency: https://www.truity.com/test/holland-code-career-test
Step 2: Explore possible careers in your top career interest area
U.S. Department of Labor: https://www.onetonline.org/find/career
Testing Agency: https://www.truity.com/search-careers
By leveraging the insights from the Holland Code, students can make informed decisions about their college majors and career paths, setting themselves on a fulfilling journey toward their future.
高中在校輔導&申請大學輔導專案,歡迎洽詢 A. League 教育顧問
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Serve Your Community: Guide to Volunteer Project
Sep 24, 2024
Volunteering is very common in many countries and major cities around the world, with students making up a significant proportion. Accumulating volunteer hours has always been a plus for students applying to schools, and is of tremendous help in showcasing extracurricular activities. Now, how can you find the volunteer project that is right for you?
Each volunteer organization has its unique focus. For example, volunteers at the library concentrate on document organization and book arrangement, while volunteers educating children in rural primary schools emphasize developing teaching skills and contribution as well as support to underprivileged communities. In this article, we will recommend volunteer projects based on different academic fields, so students are able to learn relevant knowledge while contributing to society and gaining experience in their respective areas.
Firstly, if you're a student interested in pursuing a career in STEM fields such as engineering, physics, mathematics, chemistry, or biology, you might consider volunteering with the following organizations:
Taipei Astronomical Museum
National Taiwan Science Education Center
National Museum of Natural Science
Taipei Zoo
Taipei City Animal Protection Office
Taiwan Rabbit Saving Association
Rodents Care Association
Help-Save-A-Pet Fund Taiwan
Asia Animal Welfare Association
Taiwan Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Green Streets Program (Improving Environmental Quality and Quality of Life through green and sustainable infrastructure.)
Participating in volunteering is more than making contributions to the society; it shows your passion in that field. Let’s say students volunteering with animal-related organizations might be interested in biology and environmental preservation—the experience may lay a foundation for future careers such as veterinary medicine.
If you are passionate about Health and Medicine, consider volunteering in hospitals, blood donation centers, or public health centers. In these environments, students are allowed to observe the interactions between medical professionals and patients up close and, if given the chance, participate in hospital-related activities. For instance, a student aspiring to attend medical school once organized a children’s medical summer camp and designed an activity—using tweezer to pick up beads—to improve hand stability, which was an interesting practice for children dream of becoming a surgeon.
Next, for students interested in Humanities—Culture, History, Linguistics, etc. volunteer opportunities are found at:
Academia Historia Office
National Museum of History
Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall
Li Kwoh-ting’s Residence
Hakka Affairs Bureau
Parent-Child Center
Shung Ye Museum of Formosan Aborigines
Translators without Borders
Missing Maps
Seizing and applying volunteer experiences around would lead to opportunities of drafting or editing articles. In particular, a student volunteering at a history museum might be responsible for introducing history works to visitors besides handling administrative tasks and being on-call at exhibitions. As a result, he had the chance to dive into the background of the history writers and gain knowledge in the history field.
In the field of Social Science, activities closely related to social work are more indispensable:
Ministry of Examination
Taiwan Fund for Children and Families
Child Welfare League Foundation
Taiwan Long-Term Care Professional Association
Step30 International Ministries
Department of Social Welfare
Charity Foundation
Taiwan Press Photographer Association
Micro Social Welfare Matching Platform
Social Welfare Service Center
Child Safety Foundation
SALT Kitchen
Beyond Horizon
TED Translators
YAPA Kids Teach
Parkinson Society
Love for Our Elders
Autism Today Foundation
Settlement Workers In School
Neighborhood Cleanup Programs
Ripple Foundation – Wave Blog Contributor
The volunteer opportunities listed above are not limited to in-person service; many can be done online—including child education, serving the elderly, and assisting disadvantaged groups. Here’s a small suggestion: if you live or grew up in a non-metropolitan area, you might have more opportunities to engaßge with specific communities such as Indigenous groups. Taking advantage of these opportunities not only allows you to learn about different cultures and contribute to them but also enables you to include these experiences in your application essays. Especially when writing about diversity or community, describing how you learned from people of different backgrounds would make it more compelling to the admission officers that you possess the ability of adapting to the diversity of college.
In addition to academic subjects, there are also volunteer services related to Arts. Here, we categorize arts-related volunteer services into Music and Fine Arts. If you are interested in music, you can consider volunteering with organizations like the Taipei Music Foundation for the Visually Impaired or Taipei Symphony Orchestra. These experiences can help you learn to assist others with different instruments or develop your skills in a particular instrument. For those interested in Fine Arts, volunteering at art museums or ceramic museums would provide opportunities to learn more about exhibition management and to interact with the public.
Finally, there are also relevant volunteer opportunities in the field of special talents. Given the variety of sports, here we talk about soccer academies, fencing summer camps, and basketball summer camps. For instance, a high school soccer team player once took charge of being a teaching assistant at a summer camp; a fencing athlete once served as a volunteer translator in an international competition. What’s more, students have also been known to organize the venue and guide fans to their seats at the P. League+ Taiwan, a men’s basketball league. These experiences not only provide a closer view of the games for the students but also provide the benefit of accumulating volunteer hours.
We list the above examples for your reference. In fact, there are many other unmentioned non-profit organizations waiting for students to explore. We hope by sharing this article, students will think about volunteer opportunities related to their future paths, utilize their strengths to give back to society, and make valuable choices.
高中在校輔導&申請大學輔導專案,歡迎洽詢 A. League 教育顧問
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Level Up Your Campus Life: Tips to Student Club Selection
Aug 09, 2024
When you start middle school, you're immediately introduced to hundreds of clubs established by your seniors. You are told how these clubs will enhance your learning beyond academics and enrich your campus life. We bet you’re wondering where to start! No worries. We’re here to guide you through the ins and outs of selecting the clubs that suit you best!
There is no absolute right or wrong answer when it comes to choosing clubs. However, it is worth noting that this decision may influence the persuasiveness of your college application. Hear us out. Clubs are a great opportunity for you to discover and cultivate your interests. If the club you choose is related to your intended field of study, your club experience can enhance your college application and increase your competitiveness. Below, we have organized some common clubs into different categories to help you put your best foot forward.
Students planning to pursue science and engineering fields, such as programming, physics, mathematics, chemistry, and robotics, should consider joining STEM-related clubs. Some common options include:
Science Competition Team
Math Mind
AMC Math Club
Chemistry Club
Biology Club
Invention Club
VEX Robotics
FIRST Robotics Competition
Code the Future with Artificial Intelligence
Electronics Club
Coding Club
Although these clubs are primarily designed for students interested in natural sciences or engineering, others passionate about these fields are still welcome to join. You can build your experiences through club activities such as schoolwide and external competitions, innovative projects, and research. These experiences will become valuable for your application essays, providing substantial and convincing details to your narrative. For example, when writing the UC essay prompt #6: "Think about an academic subject that inspires you. Describe how you have furthered this interest inside and/or outside of the classroom," you can mention both your course selections (inside of the classroom) and what you did/learned during club activities (outside of the classroom).
On the other hand, we encourage students interested in the humanities and social sciences, such as business, psychology, history, etc., to choose humanities and social science-related clubs. Common ones include:
National History Day Club
History Bowl
Psychology Club
Geography Club
Economics Competition Club
Business Investment Team
Entrepreneurship Club
These clubs allow you to explore your interests and expand your knowledge and passion for your chosen field. For example, consider the Common App essay prompt #6: "Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to to learn more?" Let's say you joined the History Bowl club. You can participate in various team competitions and knowledge quizzes related to history. Through this process, you will learn something new and might discover your strong interest in certain historical events or periods. As you become more involved in this club, you might find yourself frequently absorbing history books, seeking guidance from your teachers or seniors, and becoming more active in club activities to strengthen your learning. This immersive learning experience can thereby transform into sincere and meaningful application essays.
Additionally, many students have outstanding leadership and communication skills. To bring their expressive abilities to the next level, students interested in making a positive impact through showcasing their talents can join clubs related to academic competitions, public speaking, media, and student organizations, as listed below:
Academic Competition
Academic Decathlon
World Scholar Cup
Public Speaking
Debate Club
Model United Nations
Broadcast Club
Newspaper + Literary Journal
School Magazine
Podcast Club
Reading Club
Yearbook Team
Graphic Novels Club
Student Council
Student Association
Student House
Students can effectively develop their communication and adaptability skills by participating in the aforementioned clubs while collecting valuable materials for their application essays. For example, suppose you join your school's Model United Nations (MUN) club. In that case, you can polish your speaking and communication skills and cultivate your international outlook by exchanging perspectives with other delegates. When applying to colleges, you can share your proposals for addressing international issues in your essay to demonstrate your insights.
In addition to clubs that build your knowledge and skills, most schools also offer social service oriented clubs or organizations for students to engage in volunteer activities, such as beach clean-ups, teaching in underprivileged areas, blood donation drives, and more. Some common clubs include:
Interact Club
Rotary Club
Amnesty International
Red Cross
Key Club
SALT Kitchen
Pride Alliance
Taiwan Madhatter Knits
Participating in these clubs can make it easier for you to respond to UC essay prompt #7: "What have you done to make your school or your community a better place?" Such activities also help students accumulate volunteer experience. These experiences are particularly valuable for students applying to social work-related programs. With compelling stories of social contribution and extracurricular involvement, applicants to other fields can also showcase their impact on their communities.
In addition to academic clubs, there are many talent-oriented clubs, such as those related to the arts and sports. We sort art-related clubs into three main categories: Music, Performing Arts, and Fine Arts. Common clubs include:
Rock Band
Violin Beginners
Guitar Club
Music Production Club
Pop Music Club
Acapella Club
Chinese Drumming
Performing Arts
Drama Club
Musical Club
Movie Production Club
Musical Set Design
Film Society
Fine Arts
Art Creation Club
Oil Painting Club
Photography Club
Architecture Club
Urban Design Club
Sketching 101
3D Art
Clay Club
In addition, most schools typically have sports and athletic clubs or clubs that cultivate students’ special interests. Based on our survey of several schools, here are some clubs that fall under these categories:
Swimming Team
Golf Team
Fencing Team
Soccer Team
Tennis Team
Basketball Team
Badminton Team
Volleyball Team
Table Tennis Club
Taekwondo Club
Wushu Club
Boxing Club
Dance Team
Modern Dance
K-POP Dance
Cheerleading Team
Cross Country Club
Trivia Club
Chess Team (Yes, chess is a sport)
Entertainment/Special Interests
Balloon Club
Cooking Club
Baking Club
Mahjong Club
Horse Riding
Divination Club
Game Development 101
Flower Club
Needle Felting
Crochet and Crafts Creation
Green Thumb
When answering the UC essay prompt #3: "What would you say is your greatest talent or skill? How have you developed and demonstrated that talent over time?" you can use your experiences in the aforementioned clubs as the main content, describing interests and hobbies beyond extracurricular activities. For example, a student who joins the basketball team might define their talent as playing basketball and discuss how they joined the school team, participated in competitions, and even won an MVP award. You can showcase your achievements, abilities, and personality traits to impress the admissions officers by telling your story.
For those interested in language or cultural studies, you might consider clubs such as the Japanese Club, Chinese Club, Chinese Calligraphy, Korean Club, or Food Culture Club to learn more about new cultures and foster empathy and inclusivity.
This article is intended as a general guidance for you to choose the clubs that best align with your interests and goals. Sure, there might still be other clubs out there with unique philosophies and characteristics. Well, they'll be yours to explore!
高中在校輔導&申請大學輔導專案,歡迎洽詢 A. League 教育顧問
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Apr 10, 2024
正念練習 Mindfulness
在行為療程中常用到的TIPP技巧,旨在幫助病患於高度壓力之下即時找到釋放管道。TIPP 分別代表 temperature(降溫練習)、intense exercise(高強度運動)、paced breathing(呼吸練習)、以及 paced muscle relaxation(肌肉放鬆練習)。
Temperature 降溫練習
Intense exercise 高強度運動
開始胡思亂想的時候,不妨試試高強度的有氧運動來轉移注意力。過程中要使我們的心跳達到該年齡最高心率的55% - 75%,以青少年為例,最高心跳約每分鐘200次,那麼進行高強度運動時可達到心跳每分鐘110-150下。研究指出如此的運動強度與正面情緒相關聯,也能改善負面情緒並降低胡思亂想的可能,記得運動長度最起碼要維持20分鐘才能達到預期效果。
Paced breathing 呼吸練習
Paced muscle relaxation 肌肉放鬆練習
Crisis Kit 心理急救箱
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Apr 10, 2024
根據美國心理學協會(American Psychological Association),焦慮是一種結合緊張和擔憂的情緒,且會隨著心情起伏影響到血壓。人感到焦慮時,負面思緒會不斷回放,同時伴隨冒冷汗、發抖、頭暈、心跳加快等身理反應。焦慮雖然讓人感到不適,卻能幫助我們察覺危險,若能學會與之共處,就能培養堅強的韌性對抗壓力。
對特定事物的恐懼症(Specific phobia)
社交焦慮(Social anxiety disorder)
恐慌症(Panic attack)
強迫症(Obsessive-compulsive disorder)
創傷症候群(Posttraumatic stress disorder )
Grounding 根植大地
Respiratory Control 呼吸練習
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Mar 15, 2024
歷時整整四年的疫情終於逐漸趨緩下來,期間調整的考試政策如今也將有所變化。自2020年開始取消的SAT學術能力測驗(Scholastic Aptitude Test),近期有越來越多國外大學決定於2024年申請2025入學的這一屆起,恢復這項考試制度,認為標化考試在評估申請資料時佔有舉足輕重的角色,包含了常春藤大學 Harvard、Yale、Dartmouth,曾經 test-blind 的 Cal Tech,還有德州旗艦大學 UT-Austin。
在各大學最新釋出的聲明裡,達特茅斯學院(Dartmouth College)的數據顯示,SAT搭配GPA綜合評估下來的結果較能幫助招生官用最客觀的角度判斷學生整體的學術表現。此外,該校也特別強調標化考試的重要性,尤其以SAT和ACT為關鍵,因為它們不只能幫助校方做出公正的決定,亦能為來自弱勢家庭的孩子提供更有利的申請證據。在匱乏的環境之下,若有學生因無法即刻取得更多學習資源而影響申請資料的不足,考試分數與在校成績將能彌補這個部分。哈佛大學(Harvard University)亦持類似觀點,並非每一位學生都有經費能參與課外活動,非富裕學區的高中也未必能開設AP等進階課程讓學生展現學術能力,但是,每一位孩子都有機會在考試上取得高分,因此將標化考試納入考量會為學生提供更公平的競爭機會。
再者,德州大學奧斯汀分校( University of Texas at Austin)的校長提及,當多位候選人持有相近的GPA時,若有SAT成績可供參考,會大幅提升審核效率。耶魯大學(Yale University)對於恢復標化考試持有一樣的看法,表明優異的SAT或ACT分數確實能為學生的整體表現加分,且和加州理工學院(California Institute of Technology)一致認為考試分數能給招生委員更完整的資訊,讓招生委員快速辨別學生的學術程度是否能適應該校的學習強度。值得注意的是,在審閱學生的資料時,考試分數和在校成績具有同等的重要性,優異的考試成績並不會彌補低GPA的不足,太差的考試成績亦不會撤銷學生的申請資格。
順帶一提,UTA與Yale的內部資料分析結果顯示,比起未提供SAT成績讓招生官參考的學生,選擇繳交考試成績的另一群孩子在大學表現反倒更亮眼,因多數在大一取得的在校成績GPA皆高於未繳交SAT的學生。由此可見,考試成績對於大學招生官而言,是一項評估學生的學術水平以及未來發展性的重要指標。為了增加Holistic Review的公平性,UTA將採取相關措施以優化申請流程(參考如何舒緩放榜前的等待焦慮?),幫助學生減少升學壓力。因此,建議學生越早準備,就越能應付接下來申請大學會遇到的種種變化。同時也別過於焦慮,適時放鬆、做讓自己開心的事才有力量繼續向前走。
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